Turtle Nesting Season is here!

Turtle Nesting Season is here!

It’s turtle nesting season again and lights will be dimming all along the beaches in anticipation of the arrival of the sea turtles. Sea Turtle Nesting Season begins May 1st through October 31st. The markers and netting mean a sea turtle has deposited her eggs in the sand!
All sea turtles are endangered, but Loggerheads are most commonly seen on our beaches. Hatchlings—only about 2 inches long—wait until the sand cools at night before scrambling to the water where they spend several years in floating beds of seaweed. Green turtles and huge Leatherbacks also nest on Florida shores. Turtles don’t reach maturity for 15 to 50 years. Scientists believe that only 1 in 1,000 to 10,000 babies will survive to adulthood.
A few tips to follow during turtle nesting season:
Don’t disturb a turtle that is crawling on the beach or laying eggs. Watch from a distance of at least 30 feet. Avoid shining lights on the beach at night as this may frighten nesting females and confuse the hatchlings’ ability to find the sea. Remove any beach furniture and collect any trash you may have brought with you. Fill in any holes you have made before you leave the beach. Don’t walk or bicycle over any marked nests.
If you see a stranded sea turtle, please call for help. During business hours, call Beach Safety at 386-239-6414 and choose option 0. If it is night-time or during the weekend, call Sheriff’s dispatch at 386-248-1777 and choose option 1. If you see any wildlife that appears to be sick or injured, do NOT attempt to capture it OR put it in the ocean. Contact the nearest Beach Safety Officer or lifeguard or call 1-888-404-FWCC. CLICK HERE for more info on sea turtles.
Tags: Green turtles • Leatherbacks • Loggerheads • Natural Florida • Sea Turtles • Turtle Nesting Season • Volusia County Beaches